Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Staffordshire Shop Stewards Network

Update from our meeting on Monday night

Three key things for immediate attention;

  • 30th November strike action

We discussed and agreed the importance of building support for the coordinated strike action on 30th November among workers to ensure a maximum yes vote and also among the wider public as well.

A NSSN leaflet will be available by the end of the week and will be emailed out so that we can make a start on this vital work.

We believe that a march and rally should be organised on the day in Stoke-on-Trent. However, we also discussed and agreed the need to contact and discuss this with North Staffs TUC and North Staffs Against Cuts reps so that we can reach agreement on the best way for ward for any plans on the 30th November. So we will be contacting them over the next few days to ensure that preparations for 30th November get going asap.

  • Keep Remploy Factories Open!

GMB Branch Secretary Colin Hanley attended our Network meeting to explain how REMPLOY workers are fighting the government's attempts to close all 54 REMPLOY factories. Remploy factories must stay open and continue to give disabled workers the choice of where and how they are employed.

You can write to your MP, your MSP or AM, and get involved by responding to the consultation document which can be accessed on line at

Responses must be made by 17th October and can be emailed to

Another important part of this fight is a national petition which you can sign on line at

But there has also been a rigorous campaign in cities across the country to get people to sign the petition.

As a result of our discussion we agreed to help Remploy workers organise petitioning in Hanley starting this Saturday from 10am to 12 noon outside Boots. Local Shop Stewards Network activists will be there to help out but if any others can make it on Saturday then please let me know or turn up on the day.

Stop Press - Stop Press - Stop Press - Stop Press - Stop Press - Stop Press - Stop Press - Stop Press

Within just two days of planning this day of petitioning Colin has informed us that the Sentinel will be covering the event and that it will be on Central news tonight!

Not only that, local MP's Rob Flello and Tristram Hunt have also said they may attend.

Colin also thanked Staffordshire Shop Stewards Network activists for helping to get this event off the ground. It just shows what a visit to NSSN Staffordshire can achieve!

  • NSSN Midlands Conference - Saturday 15th October 2011

On 30th November around 3 million workers look set to take strike action against the Tories pension attacks. This could represent the biggest action since the 1926 General Strike.

Across both the public and private sector workers are being asked to pay for the crisis caused by the bankers, speculators and their casino capitalist system.

With the above in mind, it is more crucial than ever that active trade unionists come together to discuss and plan the way forward. This is one of the reasons why the National Shop Stewards Network was formed in July 2007 and is already playing an important role in building the fightback.

We organised a 700 strong lobby of the TUC in September urging them to call co-ordinated strike action. Trade unionists from across the Midlands attended from over 10 different trade unions.

In Staffordshire we organised a series of successful meetings and activities to build support for strike action on the 30th June and with PCS North Staffs jointly organised a rally on the strike day in Hanley with speakers from CWU, PCS, UCU, NUT North Staffs TUC and NSSN Staffordshire.

The NSSN has called a regional conference to discuss the way forward – to strengthen our unions but also concretely how we make the 30th November a huge day of strike action – and critically, what comes after. (Please follow link below for conference details)

This will be an excellent opportunity for activists from many different unions from the public and private sector to exchange ideas and look at how to develop the NSSN across the West Midlands.

We would be very pleased if you could come to his event, and if you could attempt to persuade fellow activists from your workplace or branch to come along.

If your branch is in a position to sponsor the conference please get in touch (follow link below for details)

We look forward to hearing back from you to confirm attendance on 15th October. If you have any questions or want further information, get in touch

by return email, call or text 07845893607

Follow this link for details about the National Shop Stewards Network Midlands Conference

National Shop Stewards Network Midlands Conference

The National Shop Stewards Network Midlands Conference on 15th October in Birmingham couldn't have come at a better time.

We will be meeting 6 weeks before the 30th November when up to 4 million workers could be taking coordinated strike action.

This will give us an ideal opportunity to discuss and plan how to build maximum support among trade unionists, other workers and the wider working class across the Midlands area.

So don't delay in sending details of delegates and sponsorship - all the information you need is below;

National Shop Stewards Network demonstration and lobby of the TUC 11 September 2011, photo Sujeeth

Click for gallery. National Shop Stewards Network demonstration
and lobby of the TUC 11 September 2011

Midlands Conference
Saturday 15 October 2011

Birmingham & Midland Institute (BMI)
9 Margaret St, Birmingham, B3 3BS

ROB WILLIAMS National Chair of NSSN

Registration 11.00 Conference 11.30

The Tories who already rule over the most unequal society in centuries are continuing their
attempts to make us pay for their crisis.

But working class people across Britain are losing any 'fear' and fighting back. It’s the ConDem
government that's creaking after over 700,000 marched in London on 26th March followed by
three quarters of a million on strike on 30th June. Their cuts agenda, however, is still alive and
threatens our jobs, wages, pensions, public services and welfare state. This is why the NSSN
will do all it can to help organise the fight against this onslaught.

We believe the next step is to build for a 24 hour public sector general strike of some 4 million workers.

Calling on the TUC to coordinate action

On Saturday 11th September, a thousand trade union shop stewards will rally with the NSSN
to lobby the TUC conference in London as the battle grows against the ConDem Coalition's
cuts. RMT and PCS general secretaries, Bob Crow and Mark Serwotka are calling on delegates
at the conference to support resolutions to co-ordinate strike action against the government's
attacks on public sector pensions.

NSSN Conference to strengthen the Network across the Midlands

Workers across the Midlands are also fighting back including Birmingham council workers and
an 8,000 strong march in Derby to save Bombardier jobs. Strengthening our network of shop
stewards across the Midlands will make us more effective. With this in mind, NSSN Midlands
coordinators Dave Gorton and Clive Walder are organising a Midlands Conference on 15th
October. Make sure you’re there!

  • Stop public sector cuts

  • Defend pensions, jobs and services

  • Fight the anti-trade union laws

  • For a 24 hour public sector general strike

NSSN Midlands Conference open to all Trade Unionists

Saturday 15 October 2011
11.30am - 4.00pm

The Conference will start with the main speakers and contributions from the floor. The
discussion is open, but will include debate on building the widest possible industrial
action this autumn against government attacks on pensions.
This will be followed by two workshops at 2pm

1) Strengthening union structures in workplaces where unions exist
2) Building unions in unorganised workplaces

At 3pm the Conference will reconvene to discuss and agree the next steps to strengthen
the NSSN across the Midlands.

We invite trade union branches, trades councils, recognised local NSSN groups to

1) Sponsor the Conference (£50, £25 or more),

2)Send delegates (£2)

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For delegates and sponsorship send details below to NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE
or return to Clive Walder 12, Kent Rd, Frankley, Birmingham B45 0MN

Name .........................................................................................
Union and Workplace ..............................................................
Telephone .................................................................................
Email .........................................................................................
Address ....................................................................................

State Amount enclosed ( delegates and /or sponsorship)

Cheques payable to NSSN

The National Shop Stewards Network is supported by

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

NSSN calls on TUC to open the floodgates of mass action

Kevin Parslow, Assistant Secretary, NSSN

11 September 2011 was the day the role of the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) in the labour movement gained further recognition.

Around 700 trade unionists representing hundreds of thousands of workers from all over the country came to put pressure on the Trades Union Congress (TUC) to take action to defend our living standards.

They heard trade union leaders Bob Crow, Mark Serwotka and other militant union leaders make fighting speeches. Following a marvellous demonstration to the TUC headquarters, the TUC deputy general secretary, Frances O'Grady, accepted the NSSN's letter and petition urging this week's Congress to organise coordinated action, and saluted the role played by the shop stewards present.

Our rally in Friends Meeting House, Euston, was opened by PCS president Janice Godrich in the chair. Recognising the events on the same day marking the tenth anniversary of 9/11, she saluted all those fighting for equality and justice around the world, including in this year's revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa.

She also saluted the victims of the "other 9/11", those workers and youth slaughtered by the Chilean army in Pinochet's coup of 1973.

NSSN rally in Friends Meeting House, Euston, London, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson

NSSN rally in Friends Meeting House, Euston, London, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson (Click to enlarge)

The first video shown to the rally covered the activities of the NSSN through the past 12 months, since the previous year's lobby of the TUC. "And what a year!" said first speaker at the rally, NSSN chairperson Rob Williams.

The NSSN, he said, "stands shoulder to shoulder with the fighting unions and all public sector unions taking action on pensions".

What the government is afraid of most, he added, is the "organised working class striking together" in a 3 million strong strike in November.

Rob appealed to youth, including the one million 'NEETs' (not in employment, education or training) to join in the fightback with the trade unions.

This was later amplified by Suzanne Beishon of Youth Fight for Jobs when she talked about the terrible effects of the cuts on youth and explained how the closure of youth clubs and the 75% cut in funding for the youth service in Haringey were amongst young people's grievances in the riots in Tottenham.

She appealed for support from trade unionists for the Jarrow March starting in October, which will highlight the problems of young people today.

NSSN march to Congress House, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson

NSSN march to Congress House, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson (Click to enlarge)

Capitalist crisis

Rob was followed by Bob Crow, general secretary of the RMT. "What's changed in a year?", he asked. "Capitalism is in a bigger crisis!", and he called for a socialist society to get workers out of this mess.

He called for renationalisation of privatised industries, including transport and electricity, saying that the energy companies should pay us compensation rather than any compensation being paid to them when nationalised!

He warned Ed Miliband, the Labour party leader, that he couldn't face both ways: he either supports workers in struggle, or the bosses, but he cannot back both.

And he had words for the TUC leaders too: they are misguided if they believe that justice and fairness can be achieved under capitalism; workers need to take on all capitalist policies to secure a victory.

POA radicalised

PJ McParlin, president of the Prison Officers Association, in an excellent speech explained to those who might be dubious about the role of the POA in the labour movement that his union has been radicalised by successive attacks. The POA had the right to strike withdrawn by New Labour; nevertheless it sent a resolution to the TUC congress two years ago calling for a general strike!

The union was told by the TUC leadership that then wasn't the right time to rock the boat with New Labour before a general election.

But if they were denied then, now is certainly the right time as the POA faces marketisation of the prison service, which could only lead to "disaster".

Companies are queuing up to sponsor prisons. He denounced the "feral overclass", including prison service managers whose bonuses are higher than the starting pay of prison officers.

YFJ contingent on NSSN march to Congress House, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson

YFJ contingent on NSSN march to Congress House, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson (Click to enlarge)

Following comradely greetings from Ray Morrell of Right to Work - the NSSN will be sending a speaker to their protest rally at the Tory Party conference in Manchester next month - and a video of the demonstration in Derby against the redundancies in Bombardier, Alex Gordon, RMT president congratulated the NSSN in making the right decision at its January special conference to fight the cuts.

He also raised a call for the renationalisation of the whole railway industry, including manufacturing of rolling stock, to turn away from profiteering and start planning the transport system.

Paddy Brennan, Unite convenor at Honda in Swindon, then explained why he had been suspended by Honda; it was because he had fought for effective trade unionism in the plant.

He had been nicknamed 'Paddaffi' by managers and 'Paddy Power' by fellow workers, but he was really interested not in his own 'power' but in the power of the workers.

Paddy has full confidence that, if he faces dismissal, "the NSSN will come to Swindon and say enough is enough!".

PCS youth contingent on NSSN march to Congress House, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson

PCS youth contingent on NSSN march to Congress House, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson (Click to enlarge)

Construction industry

Representing those construction engineers taking unofficial action at the moment against attacks on their wages, terms and conditions, Michael Dooley of Ucatt explained how this is a major onslaught by the employers and urged trade unionists to attend the series of protests, the next in London being on Wednesday 14 September at the Olympic site near Pudding Mill Lane.

Michael is the left candidate in the Ucatt general secretary election to be rerun, and urged Ucatt members in the NSSN to support him as he is the only candidate who rejected 'partnership' and framework agreements and advocates "open confrontation with building employers and victories".

Ucatt should build up union density in the building industry, which stands at just 10% of workers, he said.

He is in favour of "regime change", including in trade unions if the leaders impede the advancement of the working class!

Pension cuts

Two representatives of trade unions in the public sector then gave their assessment of the current state of the pensions dispute after a video was shown of the strike action on 30 June.

Martin Powell-Davies of the NUT, said that all teachers' unions had either balloted and taken action or had agreed to ballot.

The pensions discussions led by the government have been a "sham" and workers' pensions are "neither unaffordable nor a drain on taxpayers".

He called for support for the teachers' lobby of parliament on 26 October and warned the government: "Back down or we strike together".

April Ashley, a member of Unison's NEC, speaking in a personal capacity, explained how hundreds of thousands of Unison members are under attack from employers.

Many of them had believed that their union was on strike in June! A number of local government branches have been calling for an emergency section conference to call for a ballot on the pension cuts and urging Unison general secretary Dave Prentis to lead a fight.

April’s speech went down really well. Now it seems that Unison will be finally discussing starting a strike ballot.

NSSN rally outside Congress House, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson

NSSN rally outside Congress House, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson (Click to enlarge)

NSSN congratulated

Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the PCS, came to the rostrum and congratulated the NSSN for organising the rally and lobby. PCS opposes every cut yet there are still some in the TUC who opposed putting this into composite motions for the TUC congress for fear of accusations of being 'deficit deniers'!

He too warned Ed Miliband that his poll ratings would soar if he opposed every cut yet he had chosen to attack the pensions' strikes in June.

Mark was "quietly optimistic" that unions representing up to 3 million workers would strike in November, with the bigger unions like Unison, Unite and the GMB joining in, but activists have to keep up the pressure in their unions.

To those who use the argument "a day's strike is not enough" as an excuse not to organise any action, Mark countered with: "a day would be a bloody good start"! He believes that workers can win in this battle.

The rally was concluded by NSSN secretary Linda Taaffe who said if the TUC organises mass action the floodgates would open.

Three quarters of the people suffering cuts from this government would be children and the trade union movement must step to the fore in this battle.

A mass one-day strike would give the bosses and the government such a shock, she concluded.

Dave Nellist handing NSSN petition to  Frances O’Grady at Congress House, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson

Dave Nellist handing NSSN petition to Frances O’Grady at Congress House, 11 Sept 2011, photo Paul Mattsson (Click to enlarge)

March to Congress House

With that the rally ended and those present assembled behind some lively drummers to march to Congress House, headquarters of the TUC.

There, a short rally hosted by Coventry Socialist Party councillor and NSSN anti-cuts committee member Dave Nellist heard a number of speakers further demand that the TUC take action, including Glenn Kelly, Unison activist victimised by his own union and Fidel McLean, a young PCS member from the campaign to save Camberwell Green DWP office.

TUC deputy general secretary Frances O'Grady accepted the NSSN's letter and petition urging this week's Congress to organise coordinated action and recognised the NSSN's role in representing and organising workers.

The key issue for Congress, "our parliament", she said, is to stay solid in the face of the attacks of the government.

Dave Nellist concluded the event by warning the Tories and the bosses that they will be forced to listen to workers if millions of us take action in November.

The whole day was a marvellous event. Some present were suggesting we make this an annual event and the TUC representative was left in no doubt as to the feelings of those present.

Dave Nellist urged the rally not to underestimate the significance of the appearance of Frances O'Grady to receive our letter and petition at the end of our march. The NSSN is taken seriously in the labour movement.

And was that Brendan Barber looking out of the third floor window?... Next year, if the NSSN organises a similar event, we want to see him speak, not to give the NSSN a 'big name' but to outline that the TUC has and will continue to organise action in defence of our jobs and services.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Mass action can stop the cuts

Join the lobby of the TUC on 11 September

Photo Paul Mattsson

The trickle of cuts and sackings in the public sector has turned into a flood and the mood in my workplace has become one of frustration, worry and anger.

Anger at what? "Oh, it's just everything," said a school caretaker at a branch committee of Unison in Waltham Forest recently. We were trying to stick to the item on the agenda, (the lack of a pay offer by the employer) but people kept interrupting to speak on other problems. Pensions, redundancies, cuts to our sick leave entitlement, cuts to our annual leave, cuts to our unsociable hours payments... the list goes on and on.

Trying to stick to the one thing that is making people angry has become increasingly difficult. That is why it is precisely the right time for the TUC to summon its support (which is over six million strong) and give that anger a focus and a direction, namely to generalise the issues and stop the government's austerity programme.

Last year a mini-bus of trade unionists from our area travelled up to the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of the TUC in Manchester. Then the NSSN demanded a national demo against cuts, as a first step. The giant demonstration on 26 March of over half a million was vindication to all of us who participated in that lobby.

The 26 March protest showed the strength of feeling of opposition to this government and their cuts agenda but we can all say it simply was not enough. Since 26 March the establishment has been rocked by scandals and crisis, there have been plenty of opportunities for the TUC to step forward and give a lead.

After 26 March, a feeling ranging from despair to frustration and anger could almost be tasted in the air.

On 30 June, Unison members looked on enviously as 750,000 teachers and civil service workers took strike action against attacks on pensions.

I think it was only Newsnight presenters and the blinkered rich who were surprised by the explosion of anger on the streets in August. Anyone who works in the public sector or lives in a poor area could have told you that frustration at deteriorating conditions was rising.

We are asking for the TUC to call a 24-hour public sector strike against the cuts. This would put the TUC in the frame as a major progressive force in society.

All those young people who don't even know that it exists could make the link between their generalised outrage and our fury at this rotten and unfair system. It would channel the anger, raise the spirits and unify all the small and large issues bubbling away in our workplaces and our communities. That's why this year, like last year I'll be going on the lobby on 11 September.

I urge all those people who are fighting and campaigning to come too. Right now there is anger about 'everything' and we need 'everyone' to get involved.

Lobby the TUC on 11 September

Rally at Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London NWI - 1.30pm (nearest tubes: Euston, Euston Square)

Speakers include Bob Crow, RMT union general secretary and Mark Serwotka, PCS union general secretary.

Rally followed by short march to lobby the TUC conference at Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1 to call for one-day public sector strike.

For transport details from North Staffordshire please call 07845893607