Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Before Christmas, when Unilever workers were deciding on strike action, some Unilever bosses were gloating that workers at their Burton-on-Trent factory would not go on strike. Even the Unite union steward agreed. But they certainly got that wrong!

That steward has been replaced by one who is prepared to fight to defend pensions, they took strike action on 9th December with all the other Unilever factories and they were out again yesterday.

And when I visited their picket line at 6am they were looking well organised for workers who 'wouldn't strike'. Even in the darkness and a long way off I could see a long line of Unite flags and placards decorating the factory entrance. There were table and chairs, two patio heaters 'on the go' to stave off the cold, a gazebo in case of rain and a roadside cafe providing coffee, tea and food.

I passed on a message of support from National Shop Stewards Network Staffordshire to pickets which was well received. All workers I spoke to were angry about how they were being treated by a global firm who made £5.2 billion pre tax profits in 2011. Some workers have done 20, 30 and more years service for Unilever and now they want to cut their pensions.

The picket line received fantastic support from passing motorists who hooted their horns in support of their action. Burton-on-Trent teacher and Socialist Party member, Chris Parton handed over £40 he had collected from other teachers at his school to pickets for their strike fund. A complete stranger also stopped to hand over a cheque.

Unilever bosses, like CEO Paul Polman who has awarded himself £1 million in company shares, have badly misjudged the willingness and ability of Unilever workers to struggle. None of those on the picket line want to be on strike but they are determined to fight to defend their pensions.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

National Shop Stewards Network Staffordshire

*** Change of date for our next meeting changed from 6th February to 13th February

The date has been changed after consultation with NSSN activists locally suggested that more will be able to make the 13th. Apologies to anyone who can't make this new date. So next meeting will be;

Public Meeting


Monday 13th February - 7.30pm
Sacred Hearts Social Centre

corner of Downey St & Regent Rd, Hanley ST1 3BY

Speakers invited from;

  • Unilever - striking against attacks on their private sector pensions

  • Remploy - fighting to save their jobs

  • PCS & NUT - 2 of the unions leading the fight to defend public sector pensions


Tuesday, 17 January 2012

No retreat on pensions - Fight until we win!

NSSN Staffordshire met on 16th January to discuss the pensions struggle and what our next move should be. Activists present from Unite Health, FBU, Unison and Unite Construction all agreed that the Unison leadership should reject the Con-Dems 'Heads of Agreement' deal. This so called deal would in reality be handing over Unison member's 'heads on a plate' and offers nothing significant.

The important lead given by the national PCS Left Unity conference of 7th January was also welcomed and like recent NSSN Merseyside and NSSN Preston meetings the motion passed at that conference was fully endorsed.

The general mood of our meeting was; that N30 was a marvellous demonstration of the potential of the organised working class but this action must be built on. It's regretable that Unison's leadership seem hell bent on trying to snatch a defeat out of the jaws of what could be a significant victory against the attacks on pensions. But there is still time to force their leadership to rethink their position and rejoin the more than one million trade unionists in those unions that have already rejected the government's 'offer' to continue paying more and working longer for less pension.

NSSN Staffordshire activists will be putting a motion to the local Unison Health branch to call for a Special Conference of Unison members.

It was also agreed to invite Left organisations in the trade union movement, relevant union bodies and groups of workers in dispute to discuss co-ordination of and solidarity for industrial action to a further meeting on Monday 6thFebruary.

An NSSN Staffordshire NUT activist visited the Unilever picket line at Burton-on-Trent the last time they were on strike and we will be giving support again when they strike on Wednesday 25th January.

Proposal unanimously agreed by National Shop Stewards Network Staffordshire

That we adopt the principles of the statement agreed at the 7th January (PCS) Left Unity open organising conference, with the exception of the third and final bullet-point which relates to the national situation [the establishment of a temporary co-ordinating committee between left organisations in the unions], and resolve as following:

“This meeting agrees to contact Left organisations in the trade union movement, relevant union bodies and groups of workers in dispute, with a view to re-convening a further meeting to discuss co-ordination of and solidarity for industrial action, in early February.”

Friday, 13 January 2012

NSSN Staffordshire   
Public Meeting

No retreat on Pensions!

Battle continues and spreads to
the private sector!

Monday 16th Jan - 7.30pm
Sacred Hearts Social Centre
corner Downey St & Regent Rd,
Hanley Stoke-on-Trent ST1 2NZ
All Welcome
  • National Shop Stewards Network Bulletin 73 - Pension battle continues and develops in the private sector!‏

Yesterday saw a lobby of the TUC public liaison group as it met again over governments ‘offer’, which
basically means still paying more whilst working longer despite most pension pots making surpluses!
NUT, PCS & UNITE has rejected the so-called offer.

However a few unions, led by Unison and the GMB, reiterated their position to 'continue negotiations'.
This is a betrayal of the magnificent strike action taken on 30 November (N30) by over two million
workers, a massive show of determination against a vicious government.

By signing the Con Dems' 'heads of agreement' they have accepted the financial limits or 'cost ceilings'
set by the government. Therefore, any improvements negotiated by the unions will have to be balanced
by concessions elsewhere. It will still be the case that most Unison and GMB members will pay in more
to get out less and work longer to get it. They will be asking the question, how much more is on the table
now than was available on N30. Many will be furious that
the momentum created by that incredible N30
strike is now in danger of being lost.

Unison's health executive will be meeting in two weeks to discuss the deal again and a full membership
ballot. Therefore, members of those unions still in the fight should use every opportunity to show support
and solidarity with Unison members, leafleting, joint meetings and debates around the issue to help
them put pressure on their leadership.

In the PSLG meeting Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the PCS civil service union, called on all those
termed the ‘rejectionist’ unions to meet at the earliest possible time to look at planning further united
strike action.

PCS Left Unity hosted an important and very successful open organising conference on Saturday
7 January, which agreed a committee of the lefts in the unions there to help push the campaign forward.
Full Report:

This weekend the committee of the National Shop Stewards Network will meet and also discuss calling
public debates between those unions who oppose the deal and those who think its acceptable. As part
of the campaign alongside lobbying our leadership and lobbies the NSSN has taken further steps to
develop regional bases to ensure discussion and debate on tactics can be proposed and acted upon.

NSSN Regional Meetings begin. Merseyside meeting opened optimistically, with chair of NW PCS looking
at the success of November 30th and a number of unions still rejecting the government’s “offer”, Martin
said “If someone had said to me a year ago that we’d have 2 million out in November and could have one
million out in early 2012, I’d have bitten their hand off”

OTHER DISPUTES................

Workers occupy La Senza - 1,600 workers from La Senza given 10 minutes not
ice to collect belongings.

UNILEVER Unite, USDAW & GMB workers protest over Pension cuts at shareholders meetings more
strike to follow: strikes will be taking place over 12 days from January 17th at Purfleet, Port Sunlight,
Warrington, Leeds, Crumlin, Gloucester, Norfolk, Leatherhead, Bedfordshire, Manchester, Burton-on-
Trent and Ewloe in North Wales, (dates differ at each site).

SPARKS Continue protests across UK over campaign to defend JIB and stop cuts of 35%. First national
Rank & File meeting Birmingham Sat 14th - Carrs Lane Church Centre.

Video of today’s sparks protest at Grangemouth refinery:

PCS National Gallery workers will walk out of the major tourist venue between 1pm and 3pm on Thursday,
19 January and between 4pm and 6pm on Saturday, 28 January. More strikes are possible if management
don’t review staffing levels.
NHS UNISON Ambulance workers vote for
industrial action 84%: “This ballot gives a separate – additional – mandate to the existing ballot for strike
action, and does not supersede it”

REMPLOY Springburn and Chesterfield strike again on 26th Jan.

BECTU BECTU members at the BBC's Birmingham Mailbox site have voted for strike action. Members are
challenging the BBC's decision to move substantial parts of production for TV and radio away from the
Birmingham site to Bristol, a move announced at the same time as the Delivering Quality First proposals
last October.

RMT is to calling two further 24-hour strikes at the West of Scotland Signaling Centre following a total
failure by the management to make any progress in respect of settling the dispute over career
progression. Monday 23rd and Friday 27th Jan

QMUL UNISON Branch Secretary Vikhas Chechi was suspended from his
post at the Centre of the Cell, Queen Mary University of London. Management still hasn’t completed
their preliminary investigation. The process started on October 18th - almost 3 months ago. Messages of
support and protest:

PCS Rep John Brookes has been sacked for highlighting job cuts and reduction to services on the Work
Programme. See link on model letters of support.

MONEY: Please donate or affiliate to support the NSSN – Cheques or online or standing orders all
welcome! Get in touch if you can contribute:

Comradely NSSN


Twitter: NSSN_AntiCuts

Facebook main group:

Facebook anti cuts group:

Phone: 07952 283 558

Post: PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE