We also visited many schools across the area. There were no picket lines at schools but most were closed for teaching. At various schools we spoke to either NASUWT members, cleaners or caretakers who all took our leaflets into the staff rooms. This was important because those leaflets explained why other teaching unions should ballot for coordinated strike action in the autumn.
PCS North Staffs and NSSN Staffordshire mass picket
PCS North Staffs and NSSN Staffordshire jointly organised the mass picket which took place in Albion Square from 10.30am onwards and the Rally which took place later after a brief march across to Reardons. Over the previous 3 weeks three NSSN Staffordshire meetings had been organised to build support for the mass picket and rally by local trade union reps and activists from PCS, CWU postal, CWU Telecoms, Unison, NUT and GMB.
As a result of this work many new contacts were made with other trade union reps and activists. This was particularly the case among teachers with NSSN and Classroom Teacher leaflets being sent out to almost all NUT reps at schools across North Staffs and followed up with phone calls. Contact was also made with NAPO members and advice given concerning their rights about not crossing PCS picket lines.
Fenton Magistrates Court, Stafford Magistrates Court, Stafford Crown Court and Stafford prison were visited to make sure that workers there received PCS and NSSN leaflets. PCS members at the Magistrates Court took leaflets from us to give out to others inside the building and the response was immediate as the PCS regional office received phone calls asking about the strike action and what PCS members should do on the day.
NSSN Staffordshire Stall
At the mass picket, we had a stall set up along with our new banner. Throughout the day we gave out hundreds of NSSN leaflets which called for a 24 hour general strike. This demand was well received by strikers, supporters and members of the public.Many shop
"I support your action. I would pay teachers a million pounds if they would look after these pair for just two hours!"
Midland News broadcast the PCS/NSSN Staffordshire mass picket live and we also got good coverage on Radio Stoke and the Sentinel. Unfortunately, however it was reported in the Sentinel that North Staffs Against Cuts (NSAC) had staged the 'public rally in Albion Square' which was clearly not the case. NSAC supported the event but did not organise it. It was also welcome that North Staffs TUC changed their original decision not to back the rally to giving support.
Successful Rally in Reardons
The Rally in Reardons was attended by over 50 activists and was chaired by CWU North Midlands Branch secretary Andy Cawley. Platform speakers included:- Pete Rofe - PCS DWP North Staffs Branch
- Ron Foulkes -Stoke-on-Trent College UCU rep
- Chris Parton - NUT rep
- Simon Halstead – North Staffs TUC
- Rachel Anand – Keele UCU
- Andy Bentley – NSSN Staffordshire & Socialist Party organiser
- Maxine Tuck - CWU Midland No.7 Branch secretary
All the speakers agreed that this day of strike action was just the beginning of a serious fightback against the Con-Dem government’s attacks not just on pensions but also their programme of savage cuts in jobs and services.
NSSN Staffordshire activists also busy in Stafford
NSSN Staffordshire activists were also busy in Stafford where earlier in the day they visited the PCS picket line outside the local Jobcentre.50 PCS members were on strike and they were going down to Cannock to support fellow members and then on to the rally in Birmingham.
This was followed by a very successful campaign stall in the centre of Stafford where we learned from other union members that PCS members at Stafford Prison and MoD Stafford were out as well as a good number of schools.
The response from the public was unanimously in support of the action with equal support for both teachers and PCS workers.
We spoke to some Unison members who were very much in favour of their union undertaking similar action in the immediate future!
National Shop Stewards Network Staffordshire activists will be stepping up our campaigning activity over the weeks and months ahead building for a 24 hour public sector general strike.
Click on link below for photos from the days events
NSSN Staffordshire Public Meeting
NSSN Staffordshire Public Meeting
After 30th June
Turn 1 million into 4 million!
"How can we build for further coordinated action?"
Monday 11th July – 7pm
Sacred Hearts Social Centre, Regent Road, Hanley,
Stoke-on-Trent ST1 3BY
NSSN to lobby TUC Congress: 11th September
The National Shop Stewards Network will be organising a lobby of the TUC Congress on 11th of September to press the demand for co-ordinated strike action in the public sector in the autumn.
All unions out together!
The National Shop Stewards Network will be organising a lobby of the TUC Congress on 11th of September to press the demand for co-ordinated strike action in the public sector in the autumn.
All unions out together!
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