Monday, 30 April 2012




New post from;


Public and Commercial Services Union North Staffordshire

All Out on May 10

by redstar987
PCS members and other Public Sector Workers have now started to pay. Increases in contributions for pensions are being taken from pay packets on 30/04. None of the contributions are going towards a better pension or towards making pension schemes more sustainable. The contributions are going directly to the Treasury to pay-off the deficit. Today We Pay - tomorrow we can fightback....
The government want PCS members to:

Pay more – Extra pension contributions have been imposed for most civil servants –with further increases planned for the next two years.

Work longer – Civil service retirement is now linked to the state pension age – that’s already rising to 68 and the government says it will get higher.

Get less – Changes to indexation from RPI to the lower CPI inflation mean pensions fall by 15 to 20%.
And a two-year Public Sector pay freeze is to be followed by 1% rises. Regional Pay plans mean that everyone in the Public Services in North Staffordshire could face further cuts.

We can’t afford not to TAKE ACTION ON MAY 10
Civil servants and other public sector workers are uniting to defend everything we have worked for.

The government is:
Making civil servants pay up to three times as much for smaller pensions after working up to eight more years – or even longer. And Freezing wages while prices are soaring

The strike is your chance to take a stand with colleagues from across government departments and with other trade unions across the public services.

We are demanding real negotiations with the government, not imposed cuts.

Hundreds of thousands of public sector workers across the civil service, the health service and education will be joining the 10 May walkout.

All Out on May 10 
overtime ban begins May 11 - June 30

AND FROM THE UCU . . . . .

UCU will join strike action and protests on 10 May!

Friday, 20 April 2012

Pension battles re-emerges – Build for the10th May!

PCS DWP North Staffs Branch secretary, Pete Rofe, has requested that we 
organise a NSSN Staffordshire meeting asap so that we can build for the 
maximum possible support for those workers taking strike action on 10th 
of May and beyond (see latest NSSN bulletin BELOW for more info). 
This vital meeting will take place; 
Wednesday 25th April at 7.30pm in 
the Sacred Hearts Social Centre, corner of Regent Rd and 
Downey St, Hanley ST1 2NZ, 
 All trade unionists welcome
We look forward to seeing you there

NSSN Bulletin: 87 Pension battles re-emerges – Build for the 10th May!

This week saw BECTU world service taking strike action over pensions and PCS 
& Unite Health announced they would be striking together on the 10th of May 
over pension cuts.  RMT Royal Auxiliary will also be taking part in this day of action, 
as will NIPSA in Northern Ireland. More workers in UCU and Unite may well also be 
joining this action and we would encourage related disputes to take action on this 
date and encourage community campaigns to organise actions  and co-ordinate. 
UNITE Health Workers:

PCS NEC statement:
NUT: The Latest Classroom Teacher argues for a pressure from membership to call for further action 
and dates on the table.  Also attend Local Associations for National action on pensions conference 
in Liverpool 16th June.
Early next week RMT London tube workers will take part in 72 Hour Tube lines strike over pension 
cuts from Tues 24th April, concerns have been raised after bosses said they would continue to try 
and run services regardless. 
Strike begins 4pm 24th April to 4pm Friday 27th.
UNITE MoD Vote NO to pensions offer by 18th April -
UNISON now has a consultative ballot over action on pensions. NSSN urges reject the offer and 
discussions in branches and across boroughs and regions of how to develop co-coordinated action 
against pensions and further cuts.